【除雪機点検】除雪機格納前の簡単な整備と点検です。How to store my snowblower

【除雪機点検】除雪機格納前の簡単な整備と点検です。How to store my snowblower

#ヤマハ除雪機 #除雪機収納 #簡単メンテ
Please tap the time of interest to watch
Chapter 1:点火プラグの点検 00:28
    Remove the left-side cover to expose the engine.
Chapter 2:エンジンOILの点検 01:25
    Remove the right-side cover and look at the engine oil.
chapter3:HTS OILの点検 01:52
    Also check the HST (transmission) oil level.
chapter4:オーガの錆取り 02:30
Basically, it is repair of auger and shooter damage.
chapter5:オーガの保守塗 04:24
Spray coating is a rust preventive paint for iron.
Chapter6:その他の保守塗 06:06
Genuine paint for the auger cover and shooter.
Chapter7:給油タンクの取扱 07:30
Remaining gasoline is completely burned by idle operation.
Chapter8:バッテリーの取扱 07:50
Disconnect and free the negative battery terminal.
Chapter9:防錆処理と防塵対策 08:19
Spray anti-rust oil around the undercarriage and inside the fuel tank.
