How should we do “How to use compressors?” – Part1 コンプレッサーの使い方とは?

How should we do “How to use compressors?” – Part1 コンプレッサーの使い方とは?

Sorry for my bad English. Please read the subtitle if you cannot hear my English.

Next video is:

This video focuses on using the compressor while preserving the details of the original sound.

00:00 – Introduce (初めに)
01:26 – What is a compressor? (コンプレッサーとは)
04:52 – Compressors can be suppressing dynamics (ダイナミクス抑制)
07:08 – Three elements of compressors (コンプレッサーの 3 要素)
09:53 – How do we find the best values? (ベストな値の見つけ方)
12:41 – Start loop point (ループポイント)
13:35 – What is a transient sound? (トランジェントとは?)
14:16 – Other approaches for compression (その他のアプローチ)
15:29 – Ducking
16:53 – Dynamic EQ
18:51 – Logically setting method (理論的な値の求め方)
21:04 – Small differences turn big changes (小さな違いは大きな違いへ)
22:22 – In short (まとめ)

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