【草刈り】元植木屋が教える!チップソー(草刈機)の上手な使い方 A former gardener teaches! Basic usage of tip saw (mower)

【草刈り】元植木屋が教える!チップソー(草刈機)の上手な使い方 A former gardener teaches! Basic usage of tip saw (mower)



マキタ(Makita) エンジン刈払機 2ストロークエンジンタイプ 背負式 排気量25.4mL 仕様 MEM264RT


This time, following the nylon cutter, we will show you how to cut grass well using a tip saw (if it is about 5 to 20 mm long).
* The content is a video that introduces the tip saw part in “How to use a good mower”.

Tip saws are extremely difficult to use because of their excellent sharpness. If you are not careful, it can lead to a serious accident. This time, we will introduce the points to note when using such a tip saw and how to cut grass effectively.
